

colorful brain illustration

The Power of Music (Part 2)

Previously, we explored the many ways music can impact a child’s brain.Just to recap, we know that we need both sides of our brains to fully function. Thecombination of our logical thinking and our creative side helps us think critically andappropriately in different situations.Now, we are going to discuss the influence of music on adult

colorful brain illustration

The Power of Music (Part 1)

Music has a profound impact on the brain and can influence various cognitiveprocesses, emotions, and physical responses for individuals of all ages.You may have heard the term “left brain vs. right brain” before. We have a tendency touse one side of our brain more than the other side, although we use both sides of ourbrain

Leigh Harter graduation photo

Journey to Become a Speech-Language Pathologist

Updated: Nov 14, 2019 How did you become a speech-language pathologist? I’ve heard this question dozens of times so here is the story. My grandfather’s NYU tie clip I wore at my Texas Tech graduation ceremony. My senior year of high school I took an anatomy and physiology class and enjoyed every part of learning about

Leigh Harter sitting on the floor with a group of children

“But I Talk Just Fine”

Updated: Nov 16, 2019 All too frequent words I hear from clients, their families, and even medical professionals. This is a short description of the many hats a speech-language pathologist wears. Common Myths about Speech-Language Pathologists: First and foremost, the education requirements to be a certified Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) require a masters degree, followed by 9+